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Einzelposting: Witzige Erlebnisse/witzige Szenen

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Von:    Nochnoi 21.09.2009 12:08
Betreff: Witzige Erlebnisse/witzige Szenen [Antworten]
Also ich bin ja ein leidenschaftlicher Zitate-Sammler und SG1 bzw. SGA darf selbstverständlich nicht fehlen ;) Die Serie hat dermaßen viele geniale Sprüche und Szenen, dass man sich gar nicht entscheiden kann.

Zwar in Englisch, aber im Original sind die meisten mMn sowieso viel besser.


O’Neill: "That's between you and your god. Oh, wait a minute. You are your god. That's a problem. "

Carter: "It took us 15 years and 3 super computers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth."
(Allgemein liebe ich es ja, wenn sie auf MacGyver anspielen XD)

Jonas: "Hey, Major? How do I know what color to wear?"
Carter: "We call each other every morning."

Vala [zu Adria]: "Well as your mother I'm putting my foot down. You're too young to have an army."

Vala [während sie auf der ‘Odyssee’ feststecken]: "Being stuck on this ship is worse than being stuck at SGC. I tell you last time I was this bored I took hostages."

Sheppard [zu Mitchell über eine Möglichkeit, McKay im Zaum zu halten]: "He's mortally allergic to citrus. I keep one with me at all times."

Stargate Atlantis:

Sheppard: [die Sensoren haben gerade ein Energiefeld entdeckt] You think it's worth checking out?
McKay: Any significant energy emission generally indicates technological civilization.
Sheppard: So... you think it's worth checking out?
McKay: [sarkastisch] I'm sorry. Yes. Energy field good.

McKay: [mal wieder unter Zeitdruck]: You're right. If only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?
Zelenka: You know, you're not pleasant when you're like this, McKay.
McKay: I'm always like this.
Zelenka: My point exactly.

[Das Schiff des Teams wurde abgeschossen und der Bad Guy verlangt von McKay, es wieder in Ordnung zu bringen]
McKay: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again...
Torrell: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.
McKay: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

Eldon: The technology on this ship is far more advanced than the Olesians'.
McKay: How ironic, then, to have been shot down by the cast of "Braveheart."

Sheppard: How's it coming, Rodney?
McKay: Slower than I expected, but faster than humanly possible.

Sheppard: "Get as far away from the nuclear explosion as possible." That's good advice, Rodney, thanks.

[Sheppard gibt McKay Flugstunden und die beiden geraten in eine heftige Diskussion]
Sheppard: This is why parents get someone else to teach their kids how to drive.
McKay: I'm both insulted and touched by that.

[In der Folge, wo alle kleine Videos für ihre Verwandten und Freunde auf der Erde drehen]
Beckett: What do I say?
Ford: I dunno... how about "Wish you were here"?
Beckett: I wish who was here?
Ford: I dunno. Who do you wish was here?
Beckett: No-one! I wish I wasn't bloody here!

[Selbe Folge]
Beckett: ...well if I've learned one thing, Mum, it's that we Earthlings are ver...
Ford: Doc! You can't say that!
Beckett: What?
Ford: Earthlings. It's compromising security!
Beckett: She knows I'm from Earth, son! It's not a bloody secret!

Dr. Weir: "I'm sorry to put you in this position but you are the only person besides Colonel Sheppard and General O'Neill who've actually fired a drone from that Chair."
Dr. Beckett: "Ironically, they're the two people I nearly killed when I did that."

Sheppard: "You want to hide?"
McKay: "We can call it 'strategic concealment'."

Sheppard: "Can you figure out the code or not?!"
McKay: "No! Not even if I stood here and tried for a million years. And we have... [schaut auf seine Uhr] just under a million years less than that."

"Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound ... Nothing comes to my mind." (Col. O'Neill, "Stargate SG1")

"Did I mention that I know almost everything about almost everything?" (Rodney McKay, "Stargate Atlantis")

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